The concert went beautifully, and when it ended, Catherine did not disappoint
the children. She excitedly yelled "Bravo" and "Encore" loudly at the
conclusion, much to all of their delight, and of course, Jennifer joined in too!

As Catherine looked up at Vincent, with tears in her eyes she said, "Oh Vincent
they were so wonderful!"

Afterwards, William served everyone Apple Cider from the barrel, he usually
reserved for Winterfest, Holidays, or for other special occasions. He also served
freshly baked, Oatmeal cookies too.

Everyone stood around enjoying the refreshments, and talked to the children,
praising them for their performances. It was a wonderful afternoon, filled with
visiting and fellowship down within the tunnel community.

Peter told Mary, he had to get going, because he was to be the guest speaker at
his Country Club. He then concluded their conversation, by saying, "I will see
you Tuesday night, about 7 Mary?"

Happy to hear Peter was coming, she replied, "Yes! And I should say we all
missed you at our last meeting."

Truthfully, Peter said, "And I missed being there! I would have liked to have
heard everyone's final take on the Raven!"

Mary assured Peter, "Then we shall re-cap for you at the beginning of the next

Pleased to know Mary is willing to accommodate him, Peter said, goodbye, and
In a soft reply, Mary said, "Goodbye Peter take care."

Lisa stood in the background, allowing the children to take full credit, and she
spent much of the time with Ronald, as they were becoming acquainted with
one another.

Jennifer tried not to be hurt, as she saw the two laughing, and flirting with each
other, but she could tell a romance, was definitely brewing between the two of

As the time came for Jennifer to return above, she made her rounds, telling
everyone goodbye. She approached Jacob, and gave him a hug, as she told him,
"Thanks so much Pops for letting me visit."

Jacob blushed as he smiled at Mary, who was looking on, and said, "Yes, of
course Jennifer. You are welcome here any time."

Appreciatively, Jennifer added, "Now that I have been included in Cathy's
secret life, I feel so much better. Oh, and I should have something concerning
the communication system by Tuesday."

With a chuckle, Jacob said, "I shall look forward to it Jennifer. I am most
anxious to see what you come up with as a, shall I say a solution to our problem

Jennifer turned to Mary and said, "Goodbye Mary, I am really looking forward
to discussing and probing this whole Heathcliffe thing! I promise I will read my
assignment, so I am fully prepared to discuss the topic!"

Cheerfully, Mary smiled and said, "It shall be a delight to have you join the
discussion group my Dear."

As Jennifer walked away, Mary grimaced a bit at Jacob, and said, "Father, our
communication system over the Master Pipes has served us well for many years
now...or so I thought! Is there a problem I have not been apprised of?"

Jacob smiled and said, "Well only in Jennifer's eyes Mary. She finds the pipe
system a bit startling. Catherine tells me as a child, Jennifer always had inner ear
problems, and her sensitivity to sound is heightened. However, I thought it may
be interesting to see what, Jennifer finds as a solution to our, so-called problem!"

As Mary laughed at what Jacob had told her, he thought to himself, how lovely
Mary was when she smiled.

Meanwhile, Jennifer gathered herself up, and when she found the nerve, she
then walked over to Ronald to say goodbye. Unfortunately, he was still with
Lisa, so softly, Jennifer said, "Well Ronny, I must get going now. I just wanted
to say goodbye."

Ronald put down his mug, and reached for Jennifer's hand to say goodbye, and
said, "Jennifer, I want to thank you for seeing me through a rough time. I will
always be grateful to you."

Jennifer blushed as she said, "That's what friends are for, right Ronny? I am
glad I was there to help."

Sadly, she lowered her head, as she drew her hand back, and said, "I will see
you Tuesday, and I will bring those brochures along with me about the Pratt

In reply, Ronald said, "Great Jennifer."

She then turned to Lisa, and said, "It was very nice meeting you Lisa, maybe
we can do lunch sometime up in the Big Apple."

Elegantly, Lisa said, "I would like that."

Catherine walked Jennifer back to the threshold of the apartment building, and
sternly said, "Now promise me you will not go any where near my apartment. It
may not be safe yet Jen!"

Jennifer promised, "I won't Cath, I am going to hook a Taxi and head straight to
the party. I am already a little late! I will probably stay at Mom's tonight."

Happy to hear Jennifer had a plan, Catherine added, "I'll call you Tuesday, so
we can make plans for Mary's meeting. Don't forget to finish reading the next
two chapters. Love ya Jen, and be careful."

Jennifer hugged her friend goodbye, and lamented, "I hate leaving knowing Lisa
will have Ronny all to herself at the picnic, but at this point it seems hopeless. It
looks like Ronny is attracted to Lisa doesn't it Cath?"

Even though it was difficult, Catherine had to be honest with her friend, as she
sadly admitted, "I suppose it does Jen, but I will keep my eyes open and give
you a full report."

Pointing at her, Jennifer firmly stated, "I'm counting on you Chandler!"

Sadly, Catherine watched as Jennifer climbed the rungs, leading back to the
world above, and her heart was breaking for her heartbroken friend.

Gallantly, Vincent met Catherine as she was returning to her chamber, and she
hugged him about the waist, as she asked, "Vincent, do I have time to rest
before the picnic? I think our late night is catching up with me."

Regretfully, Vincent answered, "William has already prepared our picnic basket,
and everyone is waiting for us in the main tunnel."

He then thoughtfully offered, "Would you prefer not to go?"

In an attempt to dispel the impression, she unintentionally made, Catherine
replied, "Oh no Vincent, I don't want to miss going to the Falls! Give me a
moment to grab my things."

Vincent stepped into Catherine's sitting room, as he waited for her, and gazed
upon her gallery wall. Vincent was drawn to the painting of the Mother
Mermaid, and he thought of how he loved looking at that portrait, sensing the
love portrayed there between mother and child.

Catherine came up behind him and said, "I'm ready Vincent..."

As Catherine followed his gaze she could see he was looking at the Mother and
baby painting.

Intertwining her arm with his, she rested her head on his shoulder,  and for a
moment they both stood...dreaming the same dream.

Deciding it was time to go, they were walking hand in hand, when Catherine
heard Vincent take in a breath, as if he was about to speak, and then expelled it
without a word.

She then could feel Vincent's grip tighten, as his large hand held hers. It seemed
to Catherine as if Vincent had something on his mind.      

She turned to him and asked, "Vincent...what is it? It seemed as if you wanted
to say something, but then you changed your mind."

Stopping for a moment, he admitted, "Yes, I suppose I was."

He then said, "We have spoken of many things during our relationship..."

Nodding in agreement, Catherine said, "Yes we have."

He then continued, "I have told you things...revealed things I have told no

Catherine replied, "As I have told you before, you can tell me anything."

As he looked downward, he said, "I can remember a time when I didn't think
that would be possible. I didn't think I would ever be able to share my inner
thoughts, and desires with you...or anyone."

Guardedly, Catherine asked, "And now?"

Softly, he expressed, "Now I know I can tell you everything."

He pulled Catherine close to him, and as he hugged her, Vincent lovingly said,
"Still, there are things that are difficult for me to express to you. Feelings I have,
fantasies, images burning in my mind, and I have questions."

Looking up at Vincent, Catherine said, "I know it is hard to say what you feel
when you have a shy side to your nature, as you have. I suppose I have a shy
side too at times. But I just tell myself, that I can still say what must be said,
even though I am shy. That thought usually sees me through the uncomfortable

With a shaky sigh, he went forward, and said, "What I wanted to say, concerns
the moments when we are close."

Amorously, she asked, "Yes?"

Vincent nuzzled his head downward, to take in the scent from Catherine's hair,
he said, "I feel now, I would die without those moments."

Catherine touched Vincent's face, and said, "I am most certain I would too...I
need you so much."

She then asked, "Is that what you were wanting to say?"

Thoughtfully Vincent admitted, "Yes, I suppose so, I just wanted to convey
how much I need you and how much you mean to me. I am so happy now that
you are here."

Suddenly they could hear the others talking and laughing, as they stood waiting
for them at the end of the tunnel.

Catherine and Vincent resignedly looked at one another, knowing their
conversation could continue later, and went on to join the others.

They were cheerfully greeted, as they came into view, and once everyone took
their turn teasing the two for taking so long, the group headed for the Falls.

Lisa, Pascal and Vincent all reminisced about their boldness as children when
they dove from the cliffs, and how Jacob would never have allowed them to go
swimming there, if he had known!

Looking enamored with Ronald, Lisa listened as he relayed a story too, of when
he was a child. He spoke about swimming in a similar spot near the reservation
where his Great-Grandfather lived. In wonderment, Ronald said, "Yes we all
wanted to be brave, and to prove we were not afraid. Looking back, I wonder
how it was that none of us were killed!"

In agreement, Lisa replied, "Yes Ronald as children we do such foolish things to
prove things to ourselves, and to others."

Thinking Rebecca seemed kinda quiet, Catherine wanted to say something to
her, that would help make her feel more comfortable around Lisa. But before
she could speak, she noticed Rebecca was looking very white, and ashen!

Out of concern, Catherine privately asked, "Rebecca are you all right? You look

Rebecca gulped as she whispered,  "I am afraid of heights, and the mere thought
of diving from those cliffs, makes my blood run cold, but I hate to be ole
scaredy cat Becca again, so I guess I am going to do it today."

Catherine assured her, "Well if it makes you feel any better, I'm not sure I can
do it either."

Rebecca thankfully smiled at Catherine for understanding, and asked, "You
don't? Well let me tell you, the cliffs are high, and I think it IS dangerous. But
usually, I am the only one to chicken out."

So in a vow of friendship, Catherine promised, "If you don't think you can do it,
then I won't either. We will just have to stick together."

To which Rebecca thankfully said, "Yes...sounds like a plan Catherine!"

To be continued
Chapter Twenty Four Final Chapter
Dreams of Gold!
Sharon Holtz
Chapter Twenty-Three