Just then Jacob rounded the corner and came hobbling down the tunnel toward
them! He was immediately followed by Pascal, Mouse, and Ronald, with much
of the male community following then behind them!

And so Jacob solicitously addressed the two, by declaring, "There you are!"

Meantime, Vincent and Catherine stood wide eyed, and shocked as they saw
the horde that was approaching!

And as Jacob neared them, he asked, "Where in Hades have you been?"

To which Vincent dumb-foundedly answered, "We...we went for a walk

Upon hearing his son's reply, Jacob in an agitated manner asked, "A walk...at
this hour? Without telling anyone?"

With his hands splayed out at his side, Vincent vehemently answered, "I didn't
deem that to be necessary Father!"

To which Jacob then informed them both, "You didn't hmmm? Well, your
empty chamber's have had us all concerned since Mouse discovered them about
an hour ago, and neither of you could be found!"  

And because he now understood Mouse was the reason for this inquiry, Vincent
asked, "What prompted you to search for me at this hour Mouse?"

To which Mouse timidly answered, "Needed help putting stained glass window
in Peter's chamber like you did in Catherine's...but you were gone, Catherine
was gone too, afraid Paracelsus took you again, so I went to Father...didn't use
pipes, cuz Paracelsus would hear..."

Meantime, Jacob in an effort to cut Mouse's story short, butted in and said,
"What ever it was that made Mouse search for you, is neither here, nor there!
The fact is you were both gone! How did we know you were merely out
gallivanting around willy-nilly."

In response, Vincent looked around at everyone, and said, "I do apologize to
you all...and appreciate your concern."

Mouse looked up at his friend, and  sheepishly answered, "OK fine Vincent."   

And then Jacob sternly added, "With last weeks episode still so fresh in all of
our minds, it was irresponsible for both of you to wander off without telling
anyone! We gathered all the men we could at this hour, for a search party,
trying not to wake up the women. They have been upset enough by all of this

Taking in a deep breath, Jacob stepped closer to inquire, "And just what could
have been so urgent that caused such spontaneity?"    

Upon hearing his Father's question, Vincent looked down at Catherine, and
Catherine looked back up at him, wondering how Vincent would answer THAT

And so Vincent then looked at his Father and said, "May we have a word with
you alone inside Catherine's chamber for a moment? There is something that I,
that we...would like to tell you privately."      

But because he was tired, Jacob began to argue, demanding a few answers right
then and there!

However, meantime, Pascal standing off to the side, suddenly noticed Catherine
was now donning a ring on her left hand's ring finger, the traditional
engagement/wedding ring finger, and knew it was the ring Vincent had been
privately working on a while back, when he unexpectedly walked in on the
tunnel gemologist!

And Pascal recalled Vincent being quite secretive about it at first, but he then
ended up confessing it to be for Catherine.

So in an effort to help Vincent out, Pascal discreetly urged Jacob, "Father,
Vincent asked to speak with you privately, there may be a good reason. Why
don't you go along with them and find out what it is they have to say to you?"

And because Pascal rarely spoke up, Jacob did a double take, and with a
questioning look, he looked back at Pascal and then toward Vincent, before he
reluctantly decided to take Pascal's advice.  

In an exasperated voice, Jacob then said, "Very well Vincent, Catherine, lead
the way."

Meanwhile, Ronald then stepped up to Pascal, and quietly asked him, "What's
up, do you know?"

In reply, Pascal smiled at Ronald and said, "Nothing I am privy to, its just
something I noticed. Between you and I, well...I noticed Catherine had a ring on
her ring finger of her left hand!"

With gusto, Ronald slapped Pascal on the back, as he asked, "So...do you think
they are telling Father they are getting married?"

To which Pascal smiled and said, "That would be my guess."

And because Mouse overheard Pascal and Ronald's exchange, he excitedly
asked, "What? Vincent and Catherine are getting married?"

But because they didn't intend to start any rumors, Ronald and Pascal tried to
quiet Mouse, but it was too late! Soon the whole bunch was a buzz with the
speculation of a marriage between Vincent and Catherine!  

Upon hearing all the commotion in the tunnel, Jamie sleepily rose from her bed
to see what was going on! She stepped to her threshold just in time to hear
Pascal address the crowd.  

Meantime, Pascal stood in front of everyone and said, "We don't know if this is
fact or not. So please don't spread this information any further until Vincent and
Catherine tell us themselves they are getting married!"

And so as Jamie heard Pascal, she became so ecstatic, that she just had to tell
Laura. So excitedly she ran over to Laura's chamber, and woke her to tell her
what she had heard!

They then scurried over to Rebecca's to tell her the wonderful news, and she in
turn was so happy, she insisted on telling Mary too.  

And so it wasn't long before the rest of the community stood waiting in the
tunnel, near Catherine's chamber to await an announcement.

Meanwhile, inside Catherine's chamber, Jacob sat silently at Catherine's reading
table along with her, as Vincent paced nervously in front of them.

And because of his pacing, Catherine tautly smiled at Jacob as she waited for
Vincent to say something!

And though he tried to be patient, Jacob heaved an impatient sigh, and finally
said, "Out with it Vincent, what is it you have to tell me?

Searching for the right words, Vincent took one more step, turned to look at his
Father and said, "Father, Catherine and I have been through much...you know
this...and our love has prevailed, well I know you know this too, and well, WE
have come to know and realize this love we share, needs to be Blessed by the
ceremony of marriage. I have asked Catherine to marry me, and she has said

As he heard this news, Jacob stood, and turned to Catherine, and then to
Vincent, hobbled forward with the use of his cane, and hesitated before he

With wisdom, Jacob then said, "I have my concerns, and you both surely must
know what they are! A marriage between two people is not easy, to build a life
together you must give and take, mostly give. It is difficult at best, even with a
couple who had been raised and culturally bred in kind!"

Jacob then softened his voice as he continued, "Forgive me for speaking about
these matters, however I am the only parent available between you both, so I

Jacob then turned to look directly at Catherine and adamantly said, "And yes
Catherine, I do feel I must speak about  these concerns in honor of your Father
who cannot!"

Knowing now where Jacob was coming from, Catherine politely reminded
Jacob, "My Dad did meet Vincent before he died Father, and I know he
approved...I felt it then, in the hospital, and later, after he died... I felt we had
his understanding and approval even more deeply in my heart."

Jacob nodded and said, "I am talking more so about the physical aspect of
marriage! It would be wrong for me to ignore the topic of having a family? Have
you discussed any of this?"    

Thoughtfully, Vincent turned to Catherine and stood silent as he recalled the
few occasions they had touched on the subject. And although they had not
conclusively decided on a unified decision, he knew how he felt. Adoption
should be their only option.

Catherine however on the other hand did feel differently. She loved Vincent so
much, and found him so beautiful, that a child in his image was endearing to

And so in response, Vincent turned to his Father and said, "Our view on this
topic is unified in such a way that we would love to raise a family."

Vincent looked at Catherine and with a smile in his eyes, he gently said,
"Perhaps a child that has come to the tunnels for refuge and has a need for
parents to love and care for them..."  

And then Catherine looking back at Vincent, lovingly added, "Or...a child of our
own one day."

Upon hearing both of their answers, Jacob shifted his eyes back and forth
between them, and saw that there seemed to be a difference of opinion in this
area. And so he jumped in noting, "You see...this is what I am speaking of! You
need to be unified in this decision before you jump into marriage!"

Jacob then hesitantly broached the next subject! The subject of SEX!

And though being a doctor, sexual discussions between couples was not foreign
to Jacob, however, this was his son and future daughter-in-law! And so the
redness in his cheeks revealed that he indeed was a bit embarrassed with this

And so Jacob cleared his throat and said, "Catherine you said you would
consider having a child of your own...well, that entails...of course...having
relations! None of us wish to deny your differences."

To which Catherine shyly said, "Father...I thank you for caring enough to bring
up this subject..."

Because Catherine stopped there without saying anything more, Jacob turned to
Vincent and back to Catherine, and because of their downcast eyes, he realized
in this area, he obviously had no need for concern!"    

And so Jacob floundered a bit before he finally said, "Perhaps this is too

To which Vincent softly answered, "Suffice it to say, I did not want Catherine
committed to a marriage that could not be complete in every facet."

In an effort to thwart too much being said, Jacob waved his hand and said, "No,
no of course not! I mean, well I am just at a loss for words right now. I suppose
if I were to say, I just wanted to make sure everything was in working order,
well that does not seem hardly appropriate, now does it?"

To which Vincent in reply,  took in a cleansing breath, and asked his Father,
"So Father...since Catherine and I want to marry, do we have your Blessing?"

And because Jacob, who was lost in his thoughts by this awesome news worthy
event, looked up at his son, and asked, "Wha...?"

Seeing his Father was digesting all this news, Vincent took Catherine's hand in
his own, and as he devotedly looked at Catherine, he asked his Father again,
"Do Catherine and I have your Blessing?"    

Thoughtfully Jacob bent his head as he thought back on all the years of
heartache his son has had to endure, dealing with issues no other child, ever had
to face.    

And as the parent of this uniquely wonderful child, he never dreamt his boy
would ever have in his grasp...this every-man's dream of love. And to have it
fulfilled by such a wonderful woman such as Catherine...well, this was beyond
all of his scope.

Because Jacob was overcome, he could not find the words to tell this couple
before him, that he did give them his Blessing.  

But finally, looking to them both, and with tears of joy in his eyes, he told his
son, "Yes Vincent, you and Catherine have my Blessing. You are both very
lucky to have one another...and here as I stand from my side of the shore
looking over to yours...I want to say, I do love you both, and we should all be
so lucky to find in life, what you two have found."

With tears of joy, Catherine felt as if her Dad was standing at their side too.

Elegantly, Vincent dropped his eyes, as he said, "Thank you Father. Your
words shall forever resonate within my heart."

Catherine then hugged Vincent, and with care she approached Jacob, and told
him, "Thank you Father, I will strive to make Vincent a good wife."  

Jacob looked at Catherine searchingly, and then finally answered, "Yes...yes I
know you will."

Jacob then cleared his throat, and as he wiped away a tear, he shifted gears and
excitedly asked, "How soon do you plan to marry?"

Catherine allowed Vincent to speak for them, as he told his Father, "In the
summer Father. We shall let you know once we settle on an exact date."  

To which Jacob nodded, and said, "Very good then..."

Concernedly he then asked, "Do you two plan on making a formal

Vincent tipped his head, and turning to Catherine, he asked, "Would you like to
plan a celebration where we can share our news?"

Catherine smiled, as she said, "I would love that Vincent! The way word
spreads, I suppose it should be soon. Maybe tonight, and if  William will allow
me access to his kitchen, I would love to prepare some special dessert to help
commemorate our engagement."

Vincent turned to his Father and asked, "This evening then Father?"

Jacob nodded in agreement, and chuckled as he said, "Yes Catherine is correct
about how quickly word travels here within the tunnels. Tonight it is! I will
speak with William myself Catherine about the use of the kitchen."

As the excitement began to manifest itself within Jacob's heart and mind, he
gleefully cupped his hand together, and said, "So...there is going to be a
wedding! Well, do let me know if there is anything that I can do to help..."

To which Vincent lovingly said, "We will Father."

They then all looked to one another, and having said, all there was to be said,
Jacob then excused himself from them. With a warm smile he then said, "Well,
you two must have much to talk about. I will leave you now."

Catherine and Vincent walked him to the threshold, and all three of them were
surprised when they saw the crowd that had gathered there in the tunnel.

And it was Mary in front, who excitedly asked, "Well?"

As Jacob looked up at Vincent, then over at Catherine, with a feigned
innocence, asked, "Well...well what?"  

To which Mary exasperatingly asked, "Well...is there going to be a wedding or

Catherine began to laugh and looking up at Vincent and then to Father, she said,
"I suppose we better move the party up! We can tell everyone now."

Jacob softly said to his son, "Go ahead Vincent, it is your and Catherine's good
news to tell."

Vincent elegantly nodded to his Father, and then suavely he stepped forward
holding Catherine's hand, and said, "Yes there is going to be a Wedding. I have
asked Catherine to marry me, and she has said yes."

Everyone cheered, and clapped at this wonderful announcement...the women
were all joyfully crying, and even a few of the men had tears in their eyes too.

The love between Vincent and Catherine,  generated much happiness on this
dawning day, in these early morning hours within the tunnel community below.

Inspiring them to hold unto their own individual dreams of love and hope, that
they themselves each host privately, and sacredly within their hearts.

                                The end
        To be continued in
"Sweet Dreams!"

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A Dream Within a Dream!
Sharon Holtz
Chapter Thirty
Final Chapter