Sweet Dreams!
Sharon Holtz
Chapter Nineteen
And so meantime, Catherine was one with the ladies at Sewing Circle, and so
she mentioned  it was so nice to see Olivia at todays sewing session, and she
was very much missed at the last one.

Sorrowfully, Olivia explained, "I know! Just as I was about to leave, Lukey had
a bit of a crying jag, and only wanted me."

Olivia then lamented, "And last weeks class sounded fun too! Making those
floral tool belts as a lark for Pascal and Ronald! I was in stitches when I heard
about it. I must confess, I felt left out missing the fun."

She then added, "Oh, and not to mention Father was in attendance again! See
what I mean? I missed all that!"

Olivia raised a brow as she shared, "Well this morning, I decided I wasn't going
to miss, no matter what! And so, I had to put my foot down, and told Kanin, he
could put off his plans for an hour, so I may attend Mary's sewing circle!"

She then curtly added, "He was ready to just take off too, and leave me with a
very cranky Lukey, without any thought or consideration that I might need a

Apologetically she then said, "I must sound like a terrible Mother...I don't want
you to get me wrong Catherine, I love being a Mom, and Luke is a good baby,
but just sometimes I do need to get away, and recharge my batteries...if you
know what I mean."

Catherine smiled and agreeably said, "Well I won't pretend to understand the
demands of being a Mother...but I think I understand your needing a break from
everyday routine. Everyone needs that."

Feeling so good, Catherine understood, Olivia exclaimed, "Yes...you do get it!"

She then went on to share, "You know Catherine, when I was a young girl, I
loved to sew, and still do, but it seems when ever I begin a mending project, or
a quilt, I am derailed, because either Lukey needs something, or Kanin is trying
to find something. Honestly, sometimes I feel as if I have lost my self. But this
is why I love sewing circle. It is my time, and no one is needing me."

To which Catherine replied, "I think you are right! Taking a break from our
demands, and doing what we enjoy, can make us better at our jobs, or
vocations. And we shouldn't feel guilty about it."

With a nod, Olivia then said, "Ahhh, the ole "G" word! It depends on the mood
I am in, but I do get a case of the guilts now and then."

With a smile, Catherine said, "Well we will have to work on that then!"

They shared a giggle, and then came to the crossroads where they would
separate, and Olivia unexpectedly hugged Catherine, and said she would see her
at supper.

Catherine hugged her back, and then turned to begin her walk toward her
chamber, when suddenly Olivia called after her.

Shyly Olivia relayed, "Catherine, I just want to say, how happy I am we have
become friends. It has been a long time, since I have been comfortable enough
to talk about such things with. It is nice."

Warmed by Olivia's openness, Catherine replied, "I am pleased as well Olivia."

With one last smile, the two women then went their separate ways.

Meanwhile, across the tunnel main, in the new expansion chambers, Vincent
was with his Father in the alcove, which will be his and Catherine's new
bedroom chamber.

As Ronald arrived, he peeked over Vincents, and Jacob's shoulder's so he could
also look at the plans, and asked, "Hmmm what is going on? Revisions?"

To which Jacob chuckled, as he pointed and relayed, "It seems we have a very
accommodating groom! He would like a kitchenette added to the floor plan
about here, for his bride!"

Ronald raised a brow, and then asked, "A kitchenette uh?"

Vincent shyly relayed, "Cooking is the one thing in which Catherine had
expressed she would miss doing for me living within the tunnel community. I
simply thought it would please her, to have her own small galley, whence on
occasion, she could do some cooking."

As he witnessed a quick subtle exchange between Ronald and his Father, he
thought he also detected a slight smirky smile being shared between them as

Vincent then suspiciously looked to his Father, and then over at Ronald, before
he guiltily asked, "Why are you both looking at me that way?"

Ronald trying to act clueless, asked his friend, "Looking at you what way?"

Vincent replied, "A way in which would insinuate, that I am being indulgent."

Shrugging his shoulders, Ronald innocently asked, "Who's looking at you like
that? I certainly am not!"

To which Jacob said with an absolute certainty, he wasn't looking at him that
way either!

Jacob then asked his son, why he thought they would be looking at him in such
a manner.

Vincent hesitantly explained, "I believe I know what you are thinking, because
they are the same thoughts I have had myself,  when I have seen Kanin striving
to fulfill certain wishes for Olivia."

Ronald then acting like the thought only had just then struck him, eagerly asked,
"Oh you mean like that time Kanin spent night and day working like a crazy
man, to complete the new chamber before Luke was born? Not to mention, he
had us working beside him from dusk to dawn too!"

Guiltily Vincent stood silent, before finally giving an affirmative nod, indicating
that yes, that would have been indeed the time!

Ronald then teasingly added, "Ah yes...and as I recall you did say you found it
humorous Kanin was..., well let's see if I can recall exactly what you said...you
said, and I quote, "Isn't it quizzical how this big strong man, can be reduced to
putty in Olivia's small delicate hands!" unquote!"

Vincent then began to smile as he realized, that yes he was guilty as charged of
the very same crime, and admitted, "Yes, well unfortunately for me...your
memory is as clear as a cloudless night sky..."

Just then a very frazzled Kanin entered the chamber, and apologetically said,
"Sorry I wasn't here earlier, but Olivia asked me to stay so she could go to
sewing  session this morning."

To which Jacob noted, "Yes, yes, sorry I had to miss...did she say if I missed
anything exciting?"

In reply, Kanin said, "Well she really didn't say...she just said she had fun
talking with the ladies, and with Catherine in particular..."

Kanin feeling a little confused, clarified his earlier statement, by saying, "I
realize I just said she "ASKED" me to watch Lukey, but if truth be told, she
actually "DEMANDED" it of me! And then she said, she wondered how I
couldn't know, she needed a break! Why can't women just say what they really

Ronald laughed as he explained, "Well, perhaps its because, at the same time
she feels the need for a break, she also feels guilty for wanting it!"

He then went on to share, "Women do need time to themselves too. I know my
late wife would tell me after the children were born, she forgot what it was she
used to like to do, when she had time to herself.

Ronald then continued, "You see, women when they become Mother's,
sometimes lose their own identity, and feel guilty doing for themselves."

Kanin nodded, and thankfully said, "Why couldn't SHE have just told me that?
I sure appreciate your insight Ronald. I confess, I am at a total loss sometimes."

Sadly Ronald became reflective thinking of his wife and the family he had lost,
but then gathered himself up to softly say, "Ah, you are welcome my friend.
After all...we men must stick together."

Jacob then thoughtfully inserted, "Women can certainly befuddle us men...ah, a
sweeter mystery, I assure you, cannot be found. And the attempt to unravel
their mystique...is most likely the most worthwhile task a man could ever hope
to perform on this earth."

Kanin shaking his head, smiled and said, "Ah yes, well Olivia is certainly a
mystery, and it looks like I shall spend the rest of my life unraveling, trying to
figure it out!"

The men all laughed knowing at one time or another they have all been, will be,
or are in the same boat!

Clearing his throat, Vincent then discreetly slipped off his workmen's apron, and
sheepishly said, "Speaking of women, if you will excuse me, I am to meet
Catherine for tea. She would like to discuss some details for our wedding
ceremony, and would like to have my input."

The three men excused him, and then Jacob jested a bit as he said, "By all
means, go and leave us here to figure out the added kitchenette details."

Vincent walked backwards, a few steps, and he shouted back, "I won't be gone
long Father...surely some of the other tasks can be implemented while I am

Nodding, he waved his hand toward his son, and said, "Go, my son...you
mustn't keep Catherine waiting?"

Vincent smiled and said, "Very well Father."

As Vincent softly spoke her name, Catherine who was sitting at her writing
table, sweetly looked up from her wedding planner toward him and said, "Hi
Vincent! Look at you, you are right on time!"  

She looked adorable as she ran to the threshold, dressed in her sweats, and with
her hair pulled up in a casual pony tail.  Tightly she hugged her Vincent, and
excitedly said, "I have missed you! How are you today?"

Vincent hugged her back, and then cradled her head to his chest, as he
answered, "Much better now."

Worriedly Catherine looked up at him and asked, "Why...is something wrong?"

Shaking his head no, he smiled and said, "Nothing I cannot wield. I have had to
endure some ribbing from Father and Ronald...it would seem they believe me to
be as compliant in your hands, as Kanin is in Olivia's."

With an understanding, Catherine smiled as she admitted, "Well I have heard
those two on occasion, but they seem to be happily finding their way."

Catherine then sweetly snuggled deeper into his embrace, and earnestly
professed, "When we get married, I'll try not to give the other men too much to
tease you about."

Feigning disappointment, Vincent then asked, "Then I won't be able to join the
ranks of  "Needled Husbands"!"

Catherine then corrected herself, by promising, "Then I will do my part to
properly needle you, so you can join the brigade."

With a smile in his eyes, Vincent simply took in a contented breath at the
thought of such a notion, that he would soon be a husband!

And then thinking of how it won't be long until they wed, he sighed, "Ah, I look
forward to the day I can hold you and stay beside you all night long in our

With a wanton sigh, Catherine echoed, "Our chamber-bed, I love the way that
sounds. I cannot wait to share everything with you."

As he brushed her hair from her eyes, he tenderly said, "Yes...share everything
freely, with no time limitations, and without having a dreaded pall pendulant
over my heart, despising the moment I must say goodnight."

Her voice was reduced to a sensuous whisper, as she was affected by his
romantic sentiment, and said, "Hmm, that sounds very, very nice. And I love
the thought of never having to say goodnight to you."

They then held one another, not wanting to ever let go, both imagining how nice
it will be when that day finally does arrive.

To be continued
Chapter Twenty